Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Death of America's Borders

The Death of America's Borders

In June, Chicago’s prestigious Newberry Library’s Dr. William Scholl Center for American History and Culture hosted a four-week  meeting billed as “Bridging National Borders in North America,” a “National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar for College and University Faculty.”

The confab dealt with “the process of border-making” and “how nation-states claiming exclusive territorial sovereignty re-drew the continent’s map, the intersection and sometimes collision of these efforts with other ways of organizing space and people, the social and political consequences of the enforcement of national territoriality, how diverse peoples challenge national borders, or use or alter them for their own purposes, and, how does consideration of these topics recast our understanding of the national and intertwined histories of Mexico, the United States, and Canada.”

Disclaimer: Though that’s all patently, pretentiously drivel, I admit I wasn’t in attendance to hear it.  Nevertheless, I’m convinced it was simply more academia bullsh*t intended to rationalize with implausible reasoning the national and humanitarian debacle now going on down in America’s Southwest.

Considering the typically liberal-leftist nature of such get-togethers of America’s educational elite and of the National Endowment for the Humanities, a so-called “independent” agency of the United States government totally dependent on federal largesse for its existence, my presence was hardly necessary in order to know that a primary focus of their seminar had to have been the ongoing, unprecedented influx through our southwest border of hundreds of thousands of now-designated “undocumented immigrants.”

The extent of those violations of our laws, of our national sovereignty, of the brazen criminality being committed by the constitutionally-contemptuous constitutional scholar, Barack Hussein Obama, and his administration have been fully documented even if his captive mainstream media feigns obliviousness of the damage they have been inflicting on our country by their obsequious genuflections to a proven inept and un-American president.

I would refer readers to the rare exception to lib-left dominance of the news media, TheDrudgeReport.com, for objective articles covering what  America’s former community organizer, mostly-absent Illinois state senator, and overachieving United States senator Barack Hussein Obama has done to America during his five+ year tenure.

Drudge has provided verifiable links to stories dealing with everything from protests against the massive alien intrusions to pro-amnesty supporters burning the American flag to our commander-in-chief’s opting to fund raise instead of actually visiting border invasion sites to our government threatening journalists and border patrol agents should they dare report the truth concerning the unprecedented mess.

While adequately linking to those articles, Drudge fails to devote sufficient attention to the three most serious implications of our southwestern disaster: disease, destabilization, and terrorism. . . . (Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=37923.)

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