Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Racism of "Opie and Anthony's" Anthony Cumia

The Racism of "Opie and Anthony's" Anthony Cumia

Be careful who you let assault you! 

Fifty-three year old Anthony Cumia, co-host with Gregg “Opie” Hughes of SiriusXM’s popular “Opie and Anthony” show, wasn’t at all careful when he chose the wrong attacker to beat on him last week in Times Square and lost his DJ job as a result. 

Cumia alleges he was merely taking photos last Tuesday when an unidentified African-American woman was accidentally snapped in one picture and objected since she didn’t want her photo taken.  As any reasonable black person would do nowadays, the woman then punched Cumia in his face, called him a “white motherf—er.” and, for good measure, landed five additional shots which were followed by other blacks giving him “sh*t!”

Or so he later contended.

Cumia says he managed to fend off the blows for the most part and, since there were no NYPD cops around, as usual in New York City, he failed to report the unprovoked incident, which failure may have been his undoing.

In any event, assuming the assault happened at all, Cumia should have known that, in the current Age of Obama , African-Americans are tacitly permitted to punch, maim, sometimes even kill whites with few repercussions.

(Witness the so-called epidemic of blacks supposedly playing their favorite outdoor sport of cold-cocking defenseless white people into unconsciousness which, if reported at all, are rarely if ever described by the president’s mainstream media as hate crimes meaning, obviously, that they probably never happened.)

Apparently ignorant of the prevailing rules and understandings during the Age of Obama and ignorant of the reality that white folk had damned well better have at least a dozen witnesses–preferably including a priest, a nun, or a rabbi– before they make outlandish charges against innocent black folk, . . . (Read more at  

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