Thursday, July 24, 2014

Democrat Doublespeak and Dumbspeak

Democrat Doublespeak and Dumbspeak defines doublespeak as “language that can be understood in more than one way and that is used to trick or deceive people” and defines the term as “evasive, ambiguous language that is intended to deceive or confuse,” definitions almost as deceptive as doublespeak itself insofar as they apply to Democrats.

Of the two, the latter definition comes closer to describing how Obama and his designated flack, his minions and fellow liberal-leftists, employ the rhetorical device of doublespeak. 

There is only one way to interpret their version of doublespeak. While clearly designed to trick and deceive the American people, their version is more akin to the technique of Hitler’s ”Big Lie” and Orwell’s Big Brother because it leaves no room for other interpretations.

Hitler coined the phrase “big lie” regarding alleged Jewish perfidy in Mein Kampf, his propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels refined it to rationalize the “Final Solution” for the Jewish “problem,” George Orwell popularized it in “1984″ with Big Brother’s “War is Peace,  Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength,” and the Obamians are trying like hell to take the rhetorical device to a whole, new, disturbing level.

Take, for example, the absurd contentions that Obama has “substantially improved the tranquillity of the global community” (White House press flack Josh Earnest), that “Obamacare implementation went great and people love it” (Vox co-founder Matt Yglesias), that  rewarding illegal aliens with American citizenship would “reduce the deficit and increase long-term economic growth” (Democrat Rep. Chris van Hollen), and “businesses are hiring at historic rates” (Joe Biden).

There is next to no tranquility on Planet Earth, Obamacare is widely despised, illegals will exacerbate unemployment and destroy our economy, and the jobs America’s clown prince refers to are predominantly part-time and offer no benefits or future.

Those liberal-leftist excursions into lying fantasy have already been exposed for what they are, lib-left excursions into lying fantasy and Obamian doublespeak.

Similar but less-publicized excursions were tried by the queens of nitwitdom, the now-totally liberal-leftist cast of ABC’s “The View” who took Democrat doublespeak down a few notches to the even lower level of dumbspeak. . . . (Read more at

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