Sunday, July 27, 2014

Ramadan: Maiming, Mayhem, and Murder

Ramadan: Maiming, Mayhem, and Murder

Now that Ramadan, the holy ninth month of the Islamic calendar when Muslims fast from dawn until sunset, refrain from eating, drinking, smoking, and sexual relations, is over, they can get back full-time to their usual activities–committing world-wide murder and mayhem in the name of Allah and Muhammad and attempting to establish a worldwide caliphate to exact bloody revenge for the Crusades. 

Few sane people believe Islam is or ever was a “religion of peace.”  Muslims made that claim following their massacre of three thousand innocent people on September 11th, 2001 in an effort to deter Americans from torching every mosque in the United States and to discourage us from hanging every Muslim in America from a tree.

As sweet as those actions might have seemed at the time, such mindless vengeance would have been both illegal and morally wrong in view of the fact that not every adherent of Islam attacked us thirteen years ago, although reports indicate Muslims throughout the world were ecstatic over the utter devastation of that day.

Spilling the blood of innocents they consider infidels, that is, anyone who does not subscribe to the teachings of Muhammad, has been the most popular indoor and outdoor sport in Muslim lands for thirteen centuries.  Muhammad, The Holy Prophet, invented the Islamic religion soon after the Christian Angel Gabriel appeared to him in a Meccan cave around 613 A.D. and revealed the wishes of God Almighty.

It’s not clear if Allah, Arabic for God, instructed Muhammad on the proper methods of murdering infidels anymore than it’s known whether Gabriel conferred an imprimatur on his marriage to eight year old Aisha. 

However, Muhammad’s followers have honed in on that marriage precedent and killing as well as the art of conducting war against infidels to perfection and, when no non-Islamists were unavailable, against fellow Muslims when necessary. 

Muslims adopted the practice of marrying children and the genital mutilation of young girls predicated on their belief that females are fundamentally oversexed, dirty excuses for human beings who required cleansing through marriage to nice, old men and repression of their loose sexual proclivities by female genital cutting or female circumcision, the ritual removal of their external genitalia.

Such barbarism may have pleased Allah and The Holy Prophet and the girls’ parents and the old guys though it often didn’t go over very well with the young maidens subjected to it. Allah and Muhammad were pleased because the practices . . . (Read more at

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