Sunday, July 27, 2014

America's Alien Future in Pictures

America's Alien Future in Pictures

These are just a few photos taken of some of the millions of criminals to whom President Barack Hussein Obama is planning to grant amnesty and work visas, give them Social Security cards, free public education, drivers’ licenses, and American citizenship as a reward for violating our laws by invading our country.

These “undocumented immigrants,” more precisely “illegal aliens,” will take jobs away from America’s workers, overflow our schools and medical facilities, destroy the Social Security system and, based on the fact many of them are MS-13 gang members and worse reprobates, clog our courts and overstuff our already crowded prisons.

True, many of them are children brazenly sent by their parents–and governments–to put their lives at risk in order to live the good life in America because their parents and governments are unable to parent and govern and in the expectation we will take them in and clothe, feed, house, and educate them.

After all, they say, we are a nation of immigrants and should accept these poor, political pawns since they are refugees and America has always been a safe haven for refugees. 

However, none are really refugees. . . (See the pics and read more at

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