Saturday, July 26, 2014

"I Want Barack Obama to Fail"

"I Want Barack Obama to Fail"

Now that the White House has announced that the president is plotting a “very significant” executive action on immigration after the summer, an action possibly including amnesty for the millions of illegal aliens who have been invading America for years, it’s probably a good time to re-evaluate words first spoken by Rush Limbaugh in 2009.

When Limbaugh said on air, even before Barack Hussein Obama assumed the office of President of the United States, “I want Barack Obama to fail”, he was  ferociously lambasted by liberal-leftists, by Obama’s liberal-leftist mainstream media who had elected him, and by just plain, dumb folks, all of whom maligned the conservative talk show host as everything from un-American to disloyal to a seditionist and worse.

The day after the inauguration in 2009, Limbaugh reiterated his hope to Sean Hannity, citing as reasons Obama’s past voting record, his radical associations, his plan for the socialization of health care, and the threat his policies and philosophy posed to economic recovery.

The next month during an extended address at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington he explained: “This is nothing more than common sense.  And to not be able to say it?  Why in the world would I want. . .  rampant government growth, indebtedness. . . What possibly is in this that any of us want to succeed?”

Limbaugh, the undisputed king of talk radio, best-selling author, and entrepreneur, has often repeated his hope that Obama fails and just as often he has been criticized for wishing our country would fail, a criticism motivated by sheer venom and driven by ignorance. 

In fact, Limbaugh, an unabashed patriot, has never and would never hope that America fails but it is precisely a fear of that possibility under Obama which inspired his wish for the president’s failure. . . (Read more at

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