Thursday, July 10, 2014

Legalizing Pedophilia II

Legalizing Pedophilia II

Look, they’ve succeeded in convincing many Americans that homosexuality is merely a variation on sexual norms and that men marrying men and women marrying women is no longer aberrational, so can inter-generational sex, a euphemism for pedophilia, be far behind in public acceptance?

Michael Savage, born Michael Alan Weiner, a fellow Bronx boy my age, thinks so and as much as I consider him a repulsive exemplar of conservatism, I think I have to agree.

This past Monday, July 7, I happened to catch a portion of Savage’s radio talk show on WABC770 when he devoted his three hours to pedophilia, its practitioners, and its advocates.  I only heard about 30 minutes but what he said was startling, to say the least, especially his allegation that academic elites were in the forefront of that advocacy.

Savage referred to a Cambridge University conference last July convened to examine the new normality of pedophilia. Expecting to find that Savage was engaging in his typical sensationalism, I conducted a little research into his claims and discovered he wasn’t exaggerating at all.

The conference discussed such topics as “Liberating the paedophile: a discursive analysis” and “Danger and difference: the stakes of hebephilia [adult sexual interest in pubescent individuals approximately 11-14 years old].”

During classic blame-the-victim/absolve-the-victimizer addresses, the academics lined up to promulgate their deepest convictions regarding the essential randiness of children and the fundamental innocence of adult sexual predators:

---Prof. Ken Plummer (University of Essex) preached: “Pedophiles are told they are the seducers and rapists of children; they know their experiences are often loving and tender ones. They are told that children are pure and innocent, devoid of sexuality; they know both from their own experiences of childhood and from the children they meet that this is not the case.”

—Prof. Philip Tromovitch (Doshisha University in Japan) shared his wisdom that the “majority of men are probably pedophiles and hebephiles” and that “pedophilic interest is normal and natural in human males”.

—Prof. Ray Blanchard (University of Toronto) seconded Tromovitch and added his own inconsequential factoid, that the American Psychiatric Association agrees that “the sexual preference for early pubertal children is normal.”

I don’t know whether Profs. Plummer, Tromovitch, Blanchard or any of their fellow university elitists actually fessed up to being child  molestors or cited the fact the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association only removed homosexuality from their listing of sexual perversions under pressure from threatening homosexual groups but somehow I doubt it.

I also don’t doubt the Cambridge conference was the exception rather than the rule in the ongoing effort to normalize and justify both homosexuality and pedophilia, as evidenced by recent revelations concerning merry, ol’ England.

Now, I’m admittedly no fan of the Brits chiefly because of their centuries-long, brutal occupation of Ireland but also due to their gleeful adoption of national and personal moral and political degradation over the past few decades. 

When I came across an article published in the UK’s Daily Telegraph, I lost any vague doubts as to how deeply into degradation the formerly Great Britain has fallen. . . . (Read more at

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