Saturday, July 12, 2014

Holly Fisher Bugs the Left

Holly Fisher Bugs the Left

There’s something about political correctness and related liberal-leftist intolerance toward certain women that I can’t quite put my finger on.  A war on women is indeed being waged in America today, a selective war waged by so-called “progressives” targeting mainly women who take issue with their nonsensical and disturbed attitudes but why are they so incensed?

Could their irrational distaste and anger toward good and decent people spring from their unnatural impulses to despise anyone who  possesses a fundamental sense of decency and morality or is it because good and decent women represent a threat to their perverted life view and feed into their innate sense of self-hating inferiority?

I think both.

Of course, their visceral, continuing contempt for former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin was and is rooted in the fact Mrs. Palin is a conservative, political adversary.  However, the venom has gone far beyond her politics to personal abuse of her family and her religious faith and everything connected with those politically-irrelevant issues.

Another patriotic American, Holly Fisher, recently raised the mindless ire of the lib-left and violated PC ”principles” by daring to assert her First and Second Amendment rights, publicize her Christianity, and demonstrate her respect for human life.
On Independence Day, Holly, a mother of three kids whose husband is serving in the U.S. Army and who is evidently not a big fan of President Barack Hussein Obama, posted two photos on Twitter, one showing her holding a Bible and an AR-15 with an American flag as a backdrop, the other a shot of her sporting a “Pro Life” tee shirt as she carried a Chick-fil-A cup outside a Hobby Lobby store.

As all but low information voters know, ultra-tolerant ”progressives” tolerate everyone and everything–as long as the individuals and ideas involved conform to their rigid philosophy . . . (Read more at

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