Monday, June 30, 2014

Hobby Lobby Redux

Hobby Lobby Redux

Now that Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts has seen the error of his ways and somewhat compensated for his 2012 vote in favor of upholding the constitutionality of the misnamed Affordable Care Act, better known unaffectionately as Obamacare, America’s liberal-leftists are very predictably screeching that the sky is falling because of SCOTUS’ Hobby Lobby–Conestoga Wood Specialties Store decision.

They’re claiming that the highest court in the land has enlisted in their fabricated War on Women, that women will be irreparably hurt, or die, or worse as a result of the split 5-4 decision in favor of religious liberty over governmental dictatorship; Marci Hamilton of Yeshiva University, a constitutional law scholar like President Barack Hussein Obama, warned that 80% of U.S. corporations could “now be able to discriminate against their employees;” women’s rights groups such as Planned Parenthood which makes millions performing abortions condemned Monday’s decision by “five male justices,” clearly implying it was just another example of male chauvinism; dissenting Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg believes SCOTUS had “ventured into a minefield” that would disadvantage employees “who do not share their employer’s religious beliefs;” and Obama flack Josh Earnest said that women Congress should act at once to assist women affected by the decision.

Good grief!  Talk about overreaction!  Just because Sandra Fluke may now have to buy her condoms?

Actually, what the Supreme Court decided, although it was a major body blow to the president and to Obamacare, was very limited in scope . . . (Read more at

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Scottish Bacon, Pigs, and Muslims

Scottish Bacon, Pigs, and Muslims

In Edinburgh, Scotland, Chelsea Lambie, 18, and two older friends were convicted of threatening and abusive behavior and sentenced to a year in jail last Friday.  Their threatening and abusive crime?  Throwing uncooked bacon at the window of an Edinburgh mosque in January, 2013 and then having the audacity to wrap raw bacon around the mosque’s door handles.

Lambie’s evil associate, Douglas Cruikshank, was sentenced to nine months in the clinker because he copped a plea and another accomplice in the Great Scottish Bacon Scandal, Wayne Stilwel, pled guilty and received 10 months behind bars.

Muslims and traditionalist Jews, of course, aren’t big fans of bacon or any other pork products and both prohibit the consumption of meat from a pig for similar but different reasons.

As spelled out in the Old Testament (Leviticus 11:7-8), “And the pig, because it has a cloven hoof that is completely split, but will not regurgitate its cud; it is unclean for you. You shall not eat of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you.”  

More indulgent Islamic law, (Quran, Al-Baqara 2:173), states that, ”He has made unlawful for you that which dies of itself and blood and the flesh of swine and that on which the name of any other than Allah has been invoked. But he who is driven by necessity, being neither disobedient nor exceeding the limit, then surely, Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful.”

In other words, Jews reject pigs due to their cloven hooves, their failure to vomit, and the fact they are dirty whereas Muslims frown on the pig because it “dies of itself,” (whatever that means–perhaps that they’re suicidal?)–but, in a pinch, Muslims are forgiven by merciful Allah should they eat a pork chop or two as long as they don’t make a habit of it. 

Apparently, Ms. Lambie, a proud member of the Scottish Defence League, and her fellow swine were oblivious of the Quran’s ancient rules and regulations, or they didn’t give a damn about them and were pissed that Muslims had taken control of huge swaths of the United Kingdom.
Either way, at their trial, security guard Usman
Mahmood testified concerning the offensive nature of the bacon attack, noting, “It is against our culture and our religion. . . (Read more at

Saturday, June 28, 2014

What's Worse? The Nanny State or the Ninny State?

What's Worse?  The Nanny State or the Ninny State?

Like any true liberal-leftist, former New York City Mayor Michael Boomboom Bloomberg suffers from the malady of terminal megalomania.

The disease isn’t literally terminal.  It’s more a chronic malady that manifests itself in delusional fantasies of omnipotence and narcissism which, in Boomboom’s case, led him to believe he was entitled not only to negate New York’s Charter by running for, (some say, buying), a third term and to think he was serving as the Big Apple’s nanny as well as its mayor in which dual capacities he felt entitled not only to rule but to nag the populace into doing what he felt was right, healthful, and politically correct.

In his defense, billionaire Mayor Boomboom wasn’t too bad a mayor. 

For one thing, he supported a vigorous implemention of the “stop, question, and frisk” program which helped apprehend potential criminals, a program abolished this year by new mayor, socialist-Communist Bill DeBlasio, resulting in an anticipated huge spike in crime.

Frustrated in his reputed designs on the New York governorship and the U.S. presidency, Boomboom was a pretty good city chief executive, as contrasted with the inept David Dinkins, the feckless John Lindsay, and the useless Abe Beame though not at all comparable to Rudy Giuliani who resurrected New York after four years of the Dinkins’ travesty.

Still, the mayor’s irrelevant obsessions with how such un-pressing issues as how much sodium should New Yorkers be permitted to ingest, how many ounces of sugary soda New Yorkers should be allowed to drink, etc. represented taking nannying to an intolerable extreme.  And, his super-nannyish, post-mayoralty campaign to deprive Americans of their right to defend their lives with legal guns took the nanny mayor far beyond that extreme.

So much for the nanny state and on to the ninny state which is similar but different from the nanny state in that . . . (Read more at

Friday, June 27, 2014

Barry Obama, Bill Maher, Hillary Clinton Self-Exposed!

Barry Obama, Bill Maher, Hillary Clinton Self-Exposed!

What people say in public is often far more indicative of their character and prejudices than what they do in public.

What follows is a brief summary of things three very public people have said that expose them as stupid, bigoted, and hypocritical, none of which statements will ever be seen on America’s mainstream media since they reveal liberal-leftists for what they are, namely stupid, bigoted, hypocritical lib-leftists.

President Barack Hussein Obama
Obama gave the commencement speech at Worcester Tech high school, a “turn around” school, and told the graduates he didn’t remember much about his own high school graduation, even the commencement speaker because, as he said, “I’m sure I was thinking about the party after graduation.”  He added, “I don’t remember the party either. I’m just telling the truth here.”

He also contended that his family at times “had to scrape to get by,” even though his family somehow found the resources to send him to the elite Punahou School in Honolulu, a fact he forgot to mention to the Worcester grads.

The true truth, as opposed to Barry’s version of reality, is that he was so wasted on the drugs he has admitted to taking in his youth to recall much of anything, not even that he and his family never did any “scraping” to get by, a convenient lie that certainly endeared him to his future supporters and which conveniently escaped the attention of his MSM–along with the multiplicity of his other lies concerning just about anything he feels compelled to twist.

Even absent his trusty teleprompters, to suggest to mostly black Worcester high school students that he was either drunk or on a drug high at his graduation was grossly inappropriate.  In that venue, perhaps he should have reverted to form by lying and saying he was too busy to attend because he was working somewhere to help his family scrape by.

Bill Maher

Maher, the failed comedian turned talk show host and political commentator, specializes in idiocy and doesn’t seem to lie nearly as much as his hero, Obama, and instead regularly spews filth and obscenities in vain efforts to compensate for his lack of talent.

Maher’s foul vitriol, (including but hardly limited to such gems as “Jesus just f*cked Tebow bad,” “Kill Mitt Romney,” “Kill Paul Ryan,” “there is always a good moral Christian reason to tell everyone you meet to f*** off and die,” calling Sarah Palin a “dumb twat” and a “c*nt” and the Pope a child rapist), is as legendary as his anti-Catholic bigotry.

He once again demonstrated the depth of his perverted anger following House Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor’s defeat in the Virginia Republican primary this week. 

Reflecting on the Tea Party’s effect in that election, Maher launched into an amazingly irrelevant but revelatory tirade against Christians in Congress. . . . (Read more at

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A Retrospective on the First Irag War

A Retrospective on the First Iraq War

Now that it’s vividly clear that President Barack Hussein Obama has successfully snatched humiliating defeat from the jaws of tenuous victory in Iraq and that the United States will have to return to Iraq with some sort of military action, members of the Democrat Party and their stooges in Obama’s mainstream media are busily attempting to attach blame for that extremely regrettable situation and for its future consequences on former President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and anyone else in the previous administration they can possibly scapegoat.

That pathetic effort is a reflection of how disgraceful–and forgetful–today’s liberal-leftist Democrats and their media lackeys have become.

That disgrace was highlighted by reports this week that the State Department has revealed that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) now occupies the Al Muthanna Chemicals Weapons Complex housing sarin, mustard gas, and the nerve agent VX, situated less than 50 miles from Baghdad, weapons of mass destruction the Obama administration has dismissed since they were old, contaminated, difficult to move, and therefore constituted no  military value.
In view of the fact our ever-indecisive commander-in-chief has yet to decide exactly what future military action would entail, let’s set aside for the moment the probable consequences of America’s re-involvement in Iraq and the possible use by ISIS of those allegedly valueless WMDs. 

Instead, let’s focus for the nonce on how and why we went into that Mideast cesspool in the first place and the Democrat senatorial hypocrites who approved of our intervention.

In a nutshell, Saddam Hussein was a certifiably sadistic megalomaniac and his sons, Uday and Qusay, were potentially worse.

While Uday and Qusay rampaged and raped their way through Iraq, Saddam was committing his own atrocities: He boasted about his weapons of mass destruction which he wouldn’t hesitate to use.  He demonstrated his bloodthirst by invading, looting, and annexing neighboring Kuwait in 1990-91.  

His hitlerian ambitions were ultimately and soundly repulsed in Operation Desert Shield, a war waged by coalition forces from 34 nations led by the United States.  

He subsequently, repeatedly defied 16 U.N. Security Council resolutions demanding, among other things, he destroy his WMDs and permit U.N. inspectors to verify their destruction.

In another nutshell, Saddam Hussein was a treacherous despot and represented not only a serious danger to the Mideast but to America and the world in general.  And, at the time, most Democrats concurred in that estimation as well as in the pressing need to take military action to remove him and the threat he posed with his devastating weaponry. . . (Read more at

Monday, June 23, 2014

Obama, Bubba, and the Hildebeest

Obama, Bubba, and the Hildebeest

No, “Obama, Bubba, and the Hildebeest” is not a reference to a scarifying fairy tale like “Little Red Riding Hood” or “Hansel and Gretel.”

Rather, that title refers to a true-to-life, contemporary American tale of political intrigue, egomaniacal ambition, and outright venom that exists in the upper echelons of the Democrat Party today, involving, obviously, President Barack Hussein Obama, former President William Jefferson Clinton, and the former First Lady-U.S. Senator-Secretary of State-unannounced candidate for the presidency, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

When I posted the article “Does Bill Clinton Really HATE Barack Obama?” two years ago, the piece represented a belated reflection on an April 28, 2008 conservative website’s story titled, “Why Bill Clinton Hates Barack Obama AND Hillary.” had posited the theory that Bill hated Barack essentially because the latter was everything he was not and he hated his wife because she posed a threat to his legacy.  

Now it seems evident that there is much more to the hate story than just the rantings of some far right wing conspirators like Political Night Train, at least according to journalist Edward Klein in his just-released book, “Blood Feud: The Clintons vs. the Obamas.” 

(Not incidentally, Klein’s book topped Hillary’s “Hard Choices” after one day on the market!)

Klein, a distinguished editor, prolific writer and public speaker, contends that Bill Clinton in fact does despise Obama, that Michelle Obama commonly refers to Hillary Clinton as the ”Hildebeest” when the public can’t hear her, and reveals what describes as an insider’s account of “the rocky relationship between the Obamas and the Clintons. . . . just how deep the rivalry between the Obamas and the Clintons runs” [detailing] the animosity, jealousy, and competition between America’s two most powerful political couples.” 

Klein alleges Michelle Obama and Valerie Jarrett came up with the nickname “Hildebeest,” . . . (Read more at

Sunday, June 22, 2014

"Central Park 5" Thugs Make Out Like the Bandits They Really Are

"Central Park 5" Thugs Make Out Like the Bandits They Really Are

When the redoubtable Donald Trump condemned last week's $40 million settlement with the "Central Park 5" in a Daily News op-ed on Saturday as a "disgrace" he was engaging in what was, for him, unusually kindhearted rhetoric.

Forget disgraceful.  In fact, New York City's Mayor Bill DeBlasio's multi-million dollar deal with the five black and Latino thugs who confessed to and were convicted of the 1989 rape and bludgeoning of 28-year-old Trisha Ellen Meili in Central Park was nothing short of a total debasement of municipal morality and as such qualifies more as civic infamy than a mere disgrace.

Antron McCray, Korey Wise, Kevin Richardson, Yusuf Salaa, and Raymond Santana were all in their teens in 1989 when they were caught and accused of the horrendous crime against Ms. Meili, "the Central Park Jogger."

When serial rapist and murderer Matias Reyes, then serving a long overdue and well-deserved life sentence, fessed up to the attack in 2002, "The 5" reiterated their old claims of police coercion for their separate confessions and, after some had served as many as 13 years in prison, they were released and almost immediately filed a lawsuit against the NYPD, the City of New York, and everyone else their lawyers could think of. . . .

(See Ann Coulter’s “What You Won’t Read in the Papers About the ‘Central Park Five’” here

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Olalla Oliveros Joins a Nunnery!

Olalla Oliveros Joins a Nunnery!

When the rather mousey Maria Augusta Kutschera fled Nonnberg Abbey in Austria and went on to marry Captain Georg von Trapp and establish a von Trapp dynasty, featured in the mostly fictional ”The Sound of Music,” there was little consternation over her abandoning her vocation in favor of the captain and his seven children.

When 36 year old Olalla Oliveros chose to reverse Maria’s course and give up fame and fortune in favor of becoming Sister Olalla del Sí de María, the beautiful Spanish model who had also appeared in television commercials and worked as an actress traded her flourishing career in favor of becoming a Catholic nun, she caused quite a bit of a stir.

She became a what?

A Catholic nun, you know, one of that increasingly-rare breed of women who dedicate their lives to God and celibacy in lieu of pursuing earthly pleasures.   Some even say her decision may signal a rebirth of a near dormant Spanish catholicism.  

(In a snarkily-titled article, “Did She Just Fancy a Change of Habit,” Britain’s Daily Mail reports Olalla made the move four years ago not last month but, as Hillary Clinton would say, “What difference does it make?”)

Ms. Oliveros entered the semi-cloistered Order of Saint Michael in May following what she described as an “earthquake” experience during a visit to Fatima, the little village in Portugal where Our Lady of Fátima appeared to three poor shepherd children in 1917, performed miracles, made predictions, revealed three unsettling secrets, and urged the conversion of Russia.

Initially and understandably, visualizing herself in nun garb seemed beyond ridiculous . . . (Read more at

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

O.J. Simpson and Black Entitlement

O.J. Simpson and Black Entitlement


If not a puff piece, the Sports Illustrated story of June 16, 2014, “20 Years Later: Highway to Hell,” regarding O.J. Simpson clearly wasn’t completely honest either. 
For one thing, the incarcerated O.J. is not on a highway to anywhere except maybe to his comfy cell and to a prison cafeteria.  For another, the extensively detailed article by Greg Bishop and Thayer Evans never once mentions jury nullification or the fact Simpson’s explosive trial and exoneration marked the beginning of what may be called “The Age of Black Entitlement” which, under the reign of President Barack Hussein Obama, has metastasized into “The Age of Black Supremacy.”
And, all because of a double murder twenty years ago.
Orenthal James “O. J.” “The Juice” Simpson will soon be 67 years of age and will be locked up at the Lovelock Correctional Center in Lovelock, Nevada at least until he’s 71 when he will face another parole board hearing to determine whether he should be released or serve out the remainder of his 33 year term for a 2007 armed robbery.
If he reaches 96, inmate Number 1027820 will still be a lucky man and not just because he wasn’t given a life sentence, for which he was originally eligible, but because he had escaped execution by lethal injection for the June 12th, 1994 murders of his estranged wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her waiter-friend-possible lover, Ronald Lyle Goldman.
Most people are familiar with the farcical, low-speed chase of Simpson’s white Bronco as well as with the internationally-televised People of the State of California vs. Orenthal James Simpson, the nine-month so-called “trial of the century” a year later which ended in an acquittal of the former college and NFL football star turned actor, a verdict rendered by a jury consisting of nine African-Americans, one Hispanic, two white women, and widely considered a tragic instance of jury nullification.
Usually a travesty of justice, jury nullification involves a jury returning a not guilty verdict despite a preponderance of evidence to the contrary and believing the defendant is deserving of  exoneration on the basis of extraneous circumstances.  Essentially, the jury nullifies a law it believes is either immoral or wrongly applied to the defendant. 
In O.J.’s case, his jury rendered its verdict not on the basis that the law prohibiting murder was immoral but rather based on the jurors’ certainty that he was discriminated against because he was black.  Pre-trial, his battery of wealthy, mostly white attorneys had actually tried to stack the jury with more blacks by objecting to the exclusion of two potential jurors who were black just in case their planned “If the glove don’t (sic) fit” defense didn’t work. 
Thanks to his blatantly racially-biased jurors, . . . (Read more at

Friday, June 13, 2014

Sorta Fun Stories in the News

Sorta Fun Stories in the News


Lately, there have been very few news stories that could be even remotely considered “funny” or even pathetically or ironically amusing.

However, what with all that’s currently going on in America and the world, from the implosion of a presidency, to a record-breaking number of scary administration scandals, to the gradual realization that Barack Hussein Obama has deftly snatched defeat from victory in Iraq and Afghanistan, to the disintegration of America’s former position as the world’s superpower, to our grossly mismanaged economy, to our devolution from a “race neutral” society into a racially-divided nation, we all need a good laugh, right?

(By the way, anyone who disagrees with the seriousness of those issues should try to keep up by watching something other than liberal-leftist news channels and reading something other than the lib-left mainstream media.  Or, at the very minimum, try to get out more.)

If for no other reason than a good chuckle, a smattering of humor, as tenuous and sardonic as that humor may be, goes a long way as a stress reliever, I offer the following which are not necessarily listed in order of the most risible but rather in the order I thought of them:

—As widely reported by honest media outlets, Chicago’s Paul Robeson High School recently celebrated its prom.  Since most promenading students today select a theme to highlight their achievements.  The Robeson kids chose as their theme, “This Is Are Story.”

Now, keeping in mind that high school activities, including annual proms, are customarily supervised teachers, it doesn’t reflect well on the Chicago school system or its products that no one there seems to know the difference between “are” and “our.”  That stupidity also doesn’t say much about the racist remark made last October by the Chicago Teachers Union’s President Karen Lewis that the city “belongs” to African Americans and not white people, a view seconded by CTU organizer Brandon Johnson.  Or does it?

Anyway, that is there story!

 —The estimable Barbara Walters, a legend in her own mind perhaps best known as “Baba Wawa” by Gilda Radner fans on “Saturday Night Live” and for famously asking Katherine Hepburn, “What kind of tree are you?” has been saying much about nothing for fifty years and said even less during her recent appearance with Jimmy Fallon on “The Tonight Show.”

The 83 year old liberal-leftist Walters who looks like she has had almost as many facelifts as Joan Rivers reminisced over rejecting Clint Eastwood’s dinner invite in 1982.  She admitted that she decided take another shot at seducing the conservative director-actor last Monday by arranging to sit next to him at the premiere of  his “Jersey Boys.”

All bedecked in the “right outfit” replete with fake eyelashes and knowing, I guess, that the conservative Eastwood gets really impressed by phoniness, Walters struck out.  Big time. . . .(Read more at 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Polio, Measles, Mumps, Chicken Pox, Whooping Cough,Tuberculosis Return to America!

Polio, Measles, Mumps, Chicken Pox, Whooping Cough,Tuberculosis Return to America!

What’s currently happening in America’s southwestern states is a national and humanitarian tragedy on many levels not the least of which is a possible, massive resurgence in childhood and other diseases not seen in our country for decades.

As a result–planned or otherwise–of the Obama administration’s delinquent regard for our borders, a policy quite possibly designed to force Congress to grant amnesty and citizenship to the 11 million+ illegal aliens who have invaded the United States and established residency here, potential invaders and their native countries have hit upon the devious ploy of sending thousands of underaged children, usually unaccompanied by parents or adult guardians, across our  Mexican border in the expectation they will be allowed to remain in America and enjoy benefits denied them in their mostly Central American homelands.

And President Obama and his cohorts in the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Department of Homeland Security, etc. are not only permitting this latest immigration travesty to continue but are actually facilitating it by housing, feeding, and providing legal counsel for the illegals!

All of that should be old news to anyone paying attention to what has been going on for weeks now even if it is being dutifully ignored by much of Obama’s mainstream media.  Fortunately, has taken up the news slack, as usual.

Drudge has posted articles on the “free pass” awarded to the invaders including comparisons made to the debacle following Hurricane Katrina, the desperation of border patrol agents, illegals surrendering en masse in order to be ferried from the border and later flown to military camps, the miserable conditions and widespread sexual activities at some of those facilities, the Mexican drug cartels seizing control in the Southwest due to the necessity of diverting border agents to handle the sudden, massive influx of humanity, and other horror stories.

However, the worst horrors may yet to come: . . . (Read more at

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Remembering the USS Liberty

This week marks the 47th anniversary of the infamous yet almost forgotten attacks by an ostensible ally on a virtually-defenseless United States Navy technical research ship, the USS Liberty.

On that bright summer day, June 8, 1967, the nation of Israel launched a series of unprovoked air and sea assaults on the Liberty while it sat in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula during the 6-Day War in that region.

Those bloody attacks resulted in the deaths of 34 American crewmen, severely wounded 174 others, and caused millions of dollars in damage and came after more than nine hours of close surveillance by Israeli Air Force planes during which pilots circled the ship at low level thirteen different times to determine its identity before initiating the treachery against a ship representing the only true ally Israel had on the planet.

Clearly marked and displaying a 13 foot long American flag after initially flying a standard flag which was shot down by Israeli Mirages, it constituted a literal impossibility for those pilots to misidentify the Liberty.

In addition, nearby Spanish, Lebanese, and German radio operators heard and recorded the Israeli pilots advising their headquarters that this was in fact an American ship and not Egyptian, advisories disregarded by their HQ commanders who still authorized the attacks.

When the sorties, assisted by an Israeli torpedo boat and repeated strafing, failed to sink the Liberty, the Israeli government concocted elaborate excuses to cover their despicable crime, all of which were contradicted by survivors, and none of which accounted for the strafing of lifeboats filled with crewmen.

To this day, Israel has never had the common decency to apologize to the United States, to the American people, to the courageous Liberty Captain William L. McGonagle, or to the survivors or relatives of those sailors they killed.

In 1968 and under pressure, they grudgingly paid paltry sums to the wounded ($20,000) and relatives a year later ($100,000) for what they absurdly contended was “an honest mistake.”  In 1980, after rejecting our demands for over $17 million in compensation for damages they inflicted on the Liberty, they added insult to injury by coughing up a meager $6 million, plus interest.

Most if not all those compensations were paid for by American taxpayers in the form of foreign aid.

Incidentally, by sheer happenstance, I met and interviewed a Liberty survivor in 2009.  Petty Officer 3rd Class Americo “Rick” Aimetti substantiated all of the above and firmly believes Israel knew exactly what it was doing, that it attacked an ally, and that the Israeli pilots and gunboat captain were fully aware the Liberty was a flagged American ship. 

As the late-Secretary of State Dean Rusk wrote. . . (Read more at

Monday, June 9, 2014

'Bergs and Bears and Climate Baloney

'Bergs and Bears and Climate Baloney

In yet another harsh blow to Barack Hussein Obama, the United Nations, Al Gore, and the rest of the anthropogenic global warming scammers, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Marine Warden Amie Egstad discovered icebergs with nesting seagulls still floating in Lake Superior last Friday June 6th–two weeks shy of the beginning of summer.

Floating ice with or without seagulls is a rarity in any of the Great Lakes this time of year, a rarity explained in a National Geographic report that summer temperatures there will probably be colder due to another rarity, the fact some 90% of the lakes had frozen over this past winter and a rarity which will undoubtedly be explained by the warmists as just another example of their catch-all phrase ”climate change.”

They invented “climate change” after they were proven wrong on their global cooling hysteria in the 1970′s, which morphed into global warming, and back again to cooling as Mother Earth and her sun did what they have been doing for eons, running through their normal cyclical patterns.

The warmists figured they would cover all weather bases, everything from droughts to blizzards, from August heat waves to June icebergs in the Great Lakes, by attributing those and other normal weather-related events to changing climate caused, of course, by polluting earthlings, without bothering mention that similar events have occurred more or less on a regular  schedule for about six billion years and long before man built power plants and invented the internal combustion engine.

It’s very doubtful that polar bears, those ice-loving behemoths of the Arctic, will travel south to the Great Lakes to fish and breed and thrive . . .

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Obama's Bergdahl Waterloo

Obama's Bergdahl Waterloo

Long ago, an aged nun ranted that I would some day meet my Waterloo because of my recalcitrance and general classroom misbehavior. 

I understood and have diligently tried to correct my tendency to misbehave, with little success, but I never did understand Sister Josepha’s warning about meeting my Waterloo since I had no clue in seventh grade what or where Waterloo was and why I was threatened with meeting it.

As far as I know, I haven’t yet met it but I have come to understand what dear, old, nasty Sister Josepha meant.  Napoleon was soundly vanquished at the Battle of Waterloo on June 18, 1815 near Waterloo in present-day Belgium by Britain’s Duke of Wellington and the Prussian army, a battle costing some 22,000 British and Prussian casualties.

Sister Josepha may very well have witnessed and delighted in that mayhem and was strongly suggesting I, too, would eventually get my comeuppance.

However, that’s all tangential to the point that America’s President Barack Hussein Obama may finally have met his own well-deserved Waterloo following years of outrageously arrogant misbehavior, illegal, unconstitutional actions, and demonstrations of utter contempt for the American people, all of which have come home to roost as a  consequence of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.

The president’s desperation and the desperation of his designated administration mouthpieces over the fallout resulting from trading five of the worst of the worst terrorists captured and imprisoned at Guantanamo for an alleged turncoat-deserter-traitor have only been accented by the mad rush to defend Obama’s insanely dangerous decision by much of his still-devoted mainstream media.

—Last Sunday, National Security Advisor Susan “Benghazi Video” Rice told America on national television that Sgt. Bergdahl had served his country with “honor and distinction,” without specifying which country she meant or explaining her concept of “honor and distinction.”

—Last Monday, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reminded a Denver audience that Bergdahl “was an American citizen–is an American citizen–was serving in our military. . . The idea that you really care for your own citizens and particularly those in uniform, I think is a very noble one,” apparently forgetting that Benedict Arnold was an American citizen, and a general to boot;

—Last Tuesday, Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin (D-MI issued a statement saying that members of Congress “should not be surprised that he [Obama] acted as he did in the circumstances that existed,” meaning the president had no other choice but to save Berdahl’s ass;

—Last week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said the terrorists had been at Gitmo for “far too long” and that he was happy they were sent to Qatar and criticized Republicans for blocking attempts to try them in the U.S., presumably because he felt they were just freedom fighters who shouldn’t be tried at all?

On the other hand, there are definite signs that not everyone in the Democrat Party and the media thinks the president did the right thing in unleashing five Taliban terrorists in return for a likely defector, and therein lies the basis for the president’s long overdue meeting with his Waterloo.

For years, Obama’s entertainment-world sycophants, his obsequious mainstream buddies, and his partisan political cronies have blindly supported his every move, distorted the truth about everything he said and did, and outright lied when all else failed to cover for him. 

For the last year or so, though, with nothing to lose following the re-election they helped manipulate, like pissed off rats in a cage of their own making, some of his former idolators have been exposing their emperor’s lack of clothes and the chinks in his very fragile armor.

Chris Tingles Matthews, Bill Maher, Jon Stewart and a multiplicity of others who had thought Obama could walk on water–if he chose to–have all taken pot shots at him since the last election and those defections crescendoed after Obama’s terrorists-for-traitor trade:
—Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D, NH) . . . (Read more at

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Food4Patriots and Food for Thought

Food4Patriots and Food for Thought

Although I have often advocated for the Wounded Warrior Project, the Salvation Army, and other worthwhile organizations on this blogsite, I have very rarely–as in never–endorsed any commercial enterprise and this should not be interpreted as either a sales pitch or an endorsement.

Food4Patriots caught my attention with a full-page advertisement in the June edition of the popular conservative magazine, “Newsmax,” an ad beyond thought-provoking and more akin to a wake-up call to Americans who sense something is very wrong in our country today, something ominous and life-threatening for us and our families. 

Hopefully, the threat may never come to fruition but to ignore it could literally be hazardous to our survival.

The very name Food4Patriots for a storage food- survival food company is a turn-off to many Americans since it seems to suggest the company caters only to “patriots,” the people the IRS considers unworthy of tax exempt status. However, that’s not the case.

Its name doesn’t imply Food4Patriots is anticipating an imminent food shortage disaster or conjure up images of Depression Era food lines, food riots, and government manipulation and even seizures of America’s food suppliers and food stocks but that is precisely what the company’s founders fear.

Supporting the implication of government attempting to corner the food market and stockpile food for re-distribution when it sees fit and to whom it deems qualified, the Food4Patriots website features a recent letter from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA, offering to purchase the company’s entire inventory, an offer the owners adamantly refused to accept even if they expect FEMA to go elsewhere to buy up food stocks.

Their website also includes a lengthy, compelling video detailing the company’s rationale for existence as well as an historical perspective on past and current governmental involvement in food re-distribution. . . (Read more at

Friday, June 6, 2014

Professor Walter E. Williams Exposes "White Privilege"

   Professor Walter E. Williams Exposes "White Privilege"
If he has accomplished nothing else, President Barack Hussein Obama who has often touted our “post racial” society has succeeded in dividing America into two separate racial camps pitted against one another in what seems to be an intentional effort to cause strife between the black and white races.
One of Obama’s primary tools in that sinister campaign has been the educational establishment which he has enlisted as his frontline troops in promoting the ideas of “white privilege” and its closely related cousin, “white guilt.”
Dr. Walter E. Wiiliams, the John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University, economist, political/social commentator, prolific libertarian author–and an African-American–believes the whole concept of “white privilege,” the idea that white people in America and throughout the rest of the world are undeservedly accorded rights, benefits, and privileges denied people of color, is not only anti-American but anti-capitalism and anti-Christian as well.
The professor was inspired to expose those little-known features of the burgeoning radical movement against white privilege at last month’s the 15th annual workshop for 2,500 educators and students in Madison, Wisconsin titled, “The White Privilege Conference” and ostensibly dedicated to “Understanding, Connecting, & Respecting.”
Basing his opinions on the MacIver Institute which was in attendance, Prof. Williams reveals that the organizers and participants at that conclave are dedicated to everything except understanding, connecting, and respecting.
Williams believes “The average parent has no idea of the devious indoctrination going on in classrooms in many public schools,” a devious indoctrination now being taught and reinforced at every educational level from kindergarten through university levels.
According to the always-suspect Wikipedia, ”White privilege” is the set of societal privileges that white people benefit from beyond those commonly experienced by people of color in the same social, political, or economic spaces (nation, community, workplace, income, etc.). The term denotes both obvious and less obvious unspoken advantages that white persons may not recognize they have, which distinguishes it from overt bias or prejudice. . . . The concept of white privilege also implies the right to assume the universality of one’s own experiences, marking others as different or exceptional while perceiving oneself as normal.”
More succinctly, the leftist-liberal oriented Wikipedia gibberishly defines “white privilege” as nothing more or less than the antiquated notion that  blacks have largely failed to succeed and prosper in America due to white discrimination and bigotry and alleges that whites are so ignorant that they may not even recognize they’re racial bigots.
Some very curious examples of the conference’s “understanding, connecting, and respecting” . . .

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Sgt. Bergdahl and the Impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama

Sgt. Bergdahl and the Impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama

Although impeachment of government officials in America–most often federal justices–is not at all uncommon, impeaching the President of the United States is a grave undertaking which, due to its gravity, has rarely been attempted in our 225 year history; only two of our forty-four Chief Executives, Andrew Johnson and William Clinton, have been successfully impeached and both were acquitted.

Often misunderstood, impeachment is actually nothing more than an accusation, an indictment brought against a federal official which, in the case of a president, is tried in the U.S. Senate with the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presiding and requiring 66 2/3% of senators present for conviction.

Much as I have never favored impeaching President Barack Hussein Obama for his many egregious  ”high crimes and misdemeanors” and, most recently, treasonous acts he has been accused of committing over the course of his five plus years of his presidency, it may now be time to consider that momentous and dire step in order to preserve what is left of our Constitution and the constitutional protections of American citizens.

The chief reason many concerned Americans, far more astute than I, have opposed the impeachment route to remove Obama from office has been, frankly, fear for our country’s safety and survival should he be convicted and forced to resign the presidency.

Due to the usually blind, unquestioning allegiance of Obama’s chief constituency, African-Americans, there is a significant  possibility the United States would face unprecedented upheaval, rioting, and literal insurrection by that community who would be incensed over the impeachment and conviction of the first black president.

Supplemented in those upheavals by malcontents who have long agitated for our downfall, they might just succeed in effectively destroying the country.

However, as risky as it is but in view of recent demonstrations that the Obama administration has utter contempt for the Congress, the Constitution, and the American people, it’s time to seriously consider indicting the president for his high crimes before he goes any further down the path to dictatorial rule. . . . (Read more at

The Un-Curious Case of Sgt. Bergdahl's "BaghDad"

The Un-Curious Case of Sgt. Bergdahl's "BaghDad"

The idiomatic “You ain’t seen nothing yet!” doesn’t come close to describing the stuff hitting and about to hit the Bergdahl family fan, stuff the sergeant’s daddy seems to be reveling in during his fifteen minutes of undeserved fame.

Call Robert Bergdahl ”BaghDad” or “BaghDad Bob,” the father of Sgt. Bowe Robert Bergdahl, the soldier “released” by the Taliban after five years in “captivity,” is proving the truth of the adage that nuts don’t fall very far from the nut tree.

As the Bergdahl saga continues to unfold and as the transparent Obama administration continues to lie, hide, and obfuscate the truth, we should, of course, withhold a verdict on what really happened five years ago when Sgt. Bergdahl mysteriously disappeared from his post in Afghanistan and ended up in Taliban hands.

We should also disregard, for now, the four-year-old Taliban claim that Bergdahl wasn’t simply a deserter but a traitor as well who converted to Islam and taught jihadists how to construct bombs and ambush convoys in order to kill Americans. (

And we should overlook, for now, reports that his fellow soldiers had orders to shoot him on sight as a deserter. (See Facebook page “Bowe Bergdahl is a  Traitor.”)

And we should not consider, for now, that the military’s hunt for him left U.S. outposts undermanned, leading to the loss of eight American lives in the battle of Kamdesh, according to a Pentagon official. (DailyMail) 

Let’s not forget, though, that President Barack Hussein Obama declared this alleged deserter and traitor a “hero” during a Rose Garden reception for his parents last Saturday announcing Sgt. Bergdahl’s release in exchange for freeing five of the most dangerous terrorists in Gitmo, terrorists Obama later conceded would probably re-join al-Qaeda in its quest to rid the world of “the Great Satan.” 

But, back to Bergdahl the senior. . . (Read more at

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Outrages in America's Schools: Part Two--Public Schools

Outrages in America's Schools--Part Two: Public Schools


Unfortunately for their victims and our country, political correctness, religious discrimination, anti-Americanism, and blatant immorality are sweeping America’s colleges and universities, all of which are expected given the liberal-leftist professors and administrators who govern those institutions.
Portland Public Schools' 
However, those same evils–and worse–have now infested our formerly a-political public school systems that once were educational models for the world, and that is far more intolerable.

Whichever came first, the corruptions of the academia chickens or the corruptions of the public school eggs, is irrelevant.  What matters is that many primary and secondary school “educators” have become leaders of the lib-left pack determined to indoctrinate rather than educate our young people.

Instances of such activities abound.

They range from the amazingly racist declaration by Chicago Teachers Union organizer Karen Lewis that Chicago “belongs” to African-Americans and not white people to disciplining Houston ISD bus driver Cynthia Cormier and four fellow drivers for daring to pray on a bus radio system for another co-worker’s 12 year old who died walking to school to the whole panoply of Common Core’s outrages against America’s children to the concerted efforts by school districts to downplay school violence and accent student self-esteem in lieu of accomplishment, etc.

Those exercises in twisted political correctness have frequently been examined in this space so, instead, let’s consider the merits of Michael Snyder’s February 25, 2014 article, “Sex and the Public Schools” in
Snyder launches his piece with the seemingly hyperbolic statement that, “You are going to have a hard time believing some of the stuff that you are about to read.  Children in America are being sexualized at younger and younger ages these days, and our public schools play a major role in that.  As you will see below, even kindergarten students are getting naked and trying to have sex with each other in our schools.”

He supports that actually non-hyperbolic contention with detailed proof of its unsettling truth, a sick reality confirmed by many others including which recently posited, “Today, even young children are internalizing sexualized images and appropriating sexualized behavior–long before they are able to understand what it means to be a sexual being.”

The following should not be considered either the most disturbing or the only examples but merely a few more examples of what’s happening to kids in public schools:

–In Madison, Wisconsin in late March, a conference was held for educators nationwide, called “Examining White Privilege and Building Foundations for Social Justice Thinking in the Elementary Classroom.”  Led by teachers Rosemary Colt and Diana Reeves, the confab has been accurately described as ”nothing more than a brainwashing festival designed to make people feel guilty for being white. Not only that, but it taught them how to make their students, some still in elementary school, feel guilty for being white as well.”

–In Pleasant View, Utah, Weber High School teacher Ashleigh Williams thought it an excellent motivational device in her “Adult Roles and Financial Literacy” course, designed to prepare students to “understand the nature, function and  significance of individual and family relationships integrated with general  financial literacy,” to have students brainstorm on slang terms for their genitalia . . (Read more at

Monday, June 2, 2014

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl: Things Are Not Always What They Seem

After five years as an apparent prisoner of the murderous Taliban, 28 year old infantryman Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the last known American POW in Afghanistan, was released on Saturday to the great joy of his parents, President Barack Hussein Obama, a thankful nation--and the Taliban.

The elation of Bergdahl's parents was obvious and expected: They finally had their son home again.  The president was overjoyed that he finally had something to crow about: He could now say he really did care about the troops.  The nation breathed a sigh of relief that a soldier so long imprisoned had finally been returned: We all could thank God for His munificence.

The Taliban, who had sheltered and supported al-Qaeda before and after September 11th, 2001, was most delighted of all: They had scored a major victory, exchanging one American soldier with very questionable loyalties to his country for five of their most vicious  Talibaners who had still been jailed in Guantanamo.

Shortly after Bergdahl's capture on June 30, 2009, Taliban commander Mulvi Sangeen gleefully claimed his troops grabbed the drunken American as he stumbled toward his car, an allegation disputed by the US military and Bergdahl later said he was captured while on patrol.

Those accounts may be debatable.  There's a very strong possibility if not a probability that Bergdahl wasn't drunk and he wasn't "captured" but rather surrendered in a pre-arranged deal with one of America's most committed enemies.
Here's the tweet, which Robert  That plot thickens, starting with his father Robert Bergdahl who posted, then, coincidentally deleted on the very day his son was released, "I am still working to free all Guantanamo prisoners.  God will repay for the death of every Afghan child, ameen! (sic)."

Apparently, good old dad cared a great deal about Afghan kids, the Gitmo terrorists like those freed, but not nearly so much for the security and policies of the country Bowe was serving.

Using euphemisms instead of calling our military liars outright, Robert Bergdahl explained, “We were given a fictitious picture, an artificially created picture of what we were doing in ­Afghanistan,”

As it turns out, long before his capture, the younger Bergdahl seemed to share the senior Bergdahl's questionable loyalties.

According to statements made to Rolling Stone in 2012 by former Spc. Jason Fry, a member of Sgt. Bergdahl's platoon, “He spent more time with the Afghans than he did with his platoon.”

At age 20, Bergdahl had attempted to join the French Foreign Legion, was rejected, became a drifter serving coffee at Zaney's Coffee Shop near his home in Hailey, Idaho, and considered moving to Uganda to help militia-terrorized villagers before ultimately deciding to join the Army, dreaming of helping Afghan villagers, according to his father.

Less circumspect than his dad, perhaps because he had already decided to become a renegade, Bowe reinforced Spc. Fry's oblique suggestion that his fellow platoon member wasn't exactly on America's side when he emailed his parents just 3 three days before he was captured.

In that communication, which may indicate that Sgt. Bergdahl anticipated his "capture" and was further stroking his "captors'" egos and supporting their goals and thereby insuring a comfortable internment by viciously attacking America, he wrote, “I am sorry for everything here. These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid.”

He also bitched about his fellow troops, calling his battalion commander a “conceited old fool,” said that the only “decent” sergeants were planning to leave the platoon “as soon as they can,” and that he planned  “to do the same.”

As if that were not sufficient criticism to demonstrate his antipathy toward his comrades and our nation, he added, “I am ashamed to be an American. And the title of US soldier is just the lie of fools.  I am sorry for everything. The horror that is America is disgusting.”

His father obligingly responded to his son's invective by emailing back, “OBEY YOUR CONSCIENCE!”  (

Like any other great nation, the United States of America is a flawed country deserving of constructive criticism offered by well-meaning critics when necessary.  What we don't need are anti-American zealots such as Robert Bergdahl and his son Bowe Bergdahl.  Nor do we need opporutunistic presidents like Barack Hussein Obama who claim credit for freeing someone like Sgt. Bergdahl who obviously loves America even less than Obama, assuming that's possible.