Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Political Corruption of Roget's Thesaurus

The Political Corruption of Roget's Thesaurus

We all reasonably hope and expect that resources such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, and similar publications either on the Internet or in hard copy form are reliable fonts of objective, unbiased information, the purpose of which is to inform and clarify.

With the notable exception of the often left-wing slanted “Wikipedia,” most similar publications have long faithfully fulfilled that weighty responsibility, until recently, that is.

The venerable, two hundred nine year old “Roget’s Thesaurus,” one of the most widely used resources for English-language synonyms, word  connotations, and grammar, recently abandoned any semblance of unbiased objectivity in favor of distorted, liberal-leftist political correctness. . . . (Read more at  

Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Ferguson Aftermath: More of the Same

The Ferguson Aftermath: More of the Same

Two years ago, the rabidly-leftist Center for American Progress (CAP) published a report by Sophia Kerby detailing the gross inequities in America’s justice system.

A self-described “civil rights and social justice advocate passionate about issues that impact communities of color and women,” Ms. Kerby is the Special Assistant for Progress 2050 at American Progress and serves as the Policy Associate for the Brennan Center for Justice working with “civil rights, social justice, and democracy organizations to develop policy goals and share information critical to advancing civil rights in federal policy.”

Unfortunately, though the information in her analysis of the comparative number of arrests, incarcerations, and executions of blacks as contrasted with whites in America cited a number of statistics, it omitted the reasons of those arrests, etc.

For example, Ms. Kerby references the fact that people of color, some 30% of the U.S.’ population, account for 60% of men in prison and that incarceration rates of men of color far exceed the rates of white men.

Among other damning facts, she correctly states that:

–A third of black men will end up in prison at some time in their lives and incur longer sentences than whites; 

–Individuals of color have a disproportionate number of encounters with law enforcement, attributable to racial profiling;

–Non-white students face more frequent and more severe punishment in our schools and are arrested more often than white kids;

–The war on drugs has been waged mainly in minority communities and people of color are usually charged with ”higher offenses”;

–Over the thirty year span of 1980 through 2007, a third of the 25.4 million adults arrested on drug charges were African-American;

–Voter laws prohibiting those with felony convictions from voting ”disproportionately impact men of color.” 

What Sophia Kerby curiously and egregiously fails to mention are the uncomfortable realities that people of color are disproportionately disposed to commit crimes and, by virtue of that fact, are treated appropriately in our courts of law and are being arrested, incarcerated, denied voting privileges, etc. just as whites would be. . . . (Read more at

Thursday, August 28, 2014

America Goes to Pot

America Goes to Pot

When liberal-leftist comedienne/actress Sarah Silverman surprisingly won an Emmy Monday night and in front of millions of viewers including children, she brazenly displayed the vaporizer pen she uses for smoking marijuana and later told an NBC reporter it contained liquified pot.

An open aficionado of the drug, Silverman, who told an interviewer last year that, “I have very few vivid memories because I smoke a lot of pot,” unfortunately is not an exception among the entertainment set but rather serves in the vanguard of a radical movement in our country to intentionally or unintentionally make us forget how we got here. 


Led by our Pothead-in-Chief, America is rapidly and inexorably becoming the world’s foremost exemplar of the social, legal, and medical repercussions that legalized marijuana is capable of wreaking on a nation.

Sure, other countries are way ahead of us in making weed legally available to the masses–think the Netherlands, for example–but what other country is able to boast that its head of state, the person who should be a role model for his people, started out in life as a pothead?

In his supposed memoir, “Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance,” Barack Hussein Obama proudly conceded he was a heavy pot smoker in his misbegotten youth in Hawaii as well as a member, indeed, a leader, of law-breakers known as the “Choom Gang,” choom referring to smoking weed. 

According to David Maraniss’ “Barack Obama: The Story,” then-Barry Obama popularized a new, pot-smoking trend known as “TA” (“total absorption”) and “roof hits,” (smoking joints with car windows rolled up to keep any smoke escaping), and he often cut the choom line when a joint was being passed around yelling “interception.”

In 2004, President Obama sent a mixed message when he declared, “I think the War on Drugs has been an utter failure . . . but I’m not somebody who believes in the legalization of marijuana.”  In other words, the War on Drugs has been a total travesty, thereby suggesting that marijuana and other drug laws were somehow flawed, at the same time he indicated he fully supported their enforcement.

To his credit, and he deserves precious little credit for anything, . . (Read more at

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Rachel Mennet, a Break from Dreary News

Rachel Mennet, a Break from Dreary News

It's healthful for mind and soul to now and then take a break from the ugly and violent which pervade the news today and reflect on some of the less momentous yet heart warming issues, if only to reassure ourselves that even if the world may be going to hell in the proverbial handbasket if we don’t smile we’ll have to cry.

The story of eight year old Rachel Mennet falls neatly into the genuinely heart warming category.  

Rachel is a little girl endowed with a heart of gold as well as a child who understands the plight and needs of wounded warriors far better than the Veterans’ Administration. 

That federal agency, charged with providing the physical care and overall well-being of our brave servicemen and servicewomen, has proven itself both uncaring and inept and so it is left to good people like Rachel Mennet to fill the void. . . . (Read more at


Monday, August 25, 2014

The Vicious Murder of Carroll Jordan, Age 86

The Vicious Murder of Carroll Jordan, Age 86


For obvious reasons, President Barack Hussein Obama’s mainstream media and their cohorts in the entertainment world still refuse to concede that there is an ongoing war conducted by blacks in America against anyone not black despite mounting evidence to the contrary.
Motivated by their blind loyalty to the man they enthusiastically supported for over six years as the savior of our country and the planet, they can’t now admit the president is largely responsible for that war thanks to his racist policies so they simply deny the existence of the conflict.

For example, the MSM have dutifully ignored or downplayed the “knockout game” in which young black men–who could very well resemble the president’s sons–cold cock innocent, unsuspecting white people to prove their self-conceived superiority by cowardly flattening them and often videotaping their assaults as verification of their masculinity.

As he scoffed on “The Daily Show,” Comedy Central’s liberal-leftist “newscaster” Jon Stewart firmly believes the rarely-reported yet widespread incidents of the “knockout game” are wildly exaggerated and Stewart certainly doesn’t favor more severe legal penalties for such assaults because, well, because they occur so rarely.

Not that it would bother them or convince how gravely wrong the mainstreamers and people like Stewart have been, but eighty-six year old, Carroll Jordan might beg to differ–if he were able about America’s epidemic of black violence. 

The Korean War veteran was not a “knockout game” victim but rather the. . . (Read more at

Sunday, August 24, 2014

When P.C. Runs Amok

When P.C. Runs Amok

Officials at Brooks Elementary School in Newnan, Ga. have banned birthday cupcakes, birthday cookies, indeed, any goodies associated with birthdays because they are worried that kids with food allergies might feel sad and excluded. They made no mention of whether young boys and girls at Brooks could feel sad over being unable to share their special days with classmates or whether anyone had complained about the long tradition.

At Dyer County High School in Tennessee, senior Kendra Turner graciously said “Bless you” in violation of a class rule when another student sneezed and was rebuked by her teacher for using language reserved for church.  The teacher added that “godly speaking” was verboten in her class and Ms. Turner courageously responded that it was her constitutional right to say what she did, was remanded to the principal’s office, and was promptly suspended from school.

The Fresno Unified School District hired Peter Beck to teach three cultural studies classes in its new Rutherford B. Gaston Middle School since Mr. Beck was deemed the best qualified candidate for the position.  Some local Fresno residents objected, not on the basis of his qualifications or the content of his character but due to the color of his skin with activist Rev. Karen Crozier explaining, ”We’re just saying what the community wants. We didn’t fight for a white male or female teacher to educate our babies.”

However the birthday cupcake fiasco in Georgia, the mini-constitutional crisis in Tennessee, and the black bigotry in California eventually play out is somewhat irrelevant.  The overriding issue is when Americans’ patient tolerance of intolerant political correctness in our schools and society will wear out?

Were P.C. extremes confined to three states, they would still be unacceptable but, in fact, the insidious disease of political correctness is pervasive in America and goes far beyond birthday cupcakes, religious freedom, and agitators clamoring for racially exclusionary rights. 

A brain child of liberal-leftists, political correctness was originally conceived as an effort to forcibly impose their standards with regards to correct language usage and their views on ideas and policies regarding any sort of discrimination against designated “protected classes,” such as gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age and disability.

Most likely by design, P.C. has devolved into a sickness infecting virtually every facet of American life, extending even into our nation’s immigration policies, our domestic policies, and our international relations.

For example, we have been conditioned by politically correct fanatics to willingly accept . . . (Read more at

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Obama's Complicity in the Beheading of James Foley

Obama's Complicity in the Beheading of James Foley

President Barack Hussein Obama interrupted his latest Martha’s Vineyard vacation to devote all of five minutes in condemning in no uncertain terms the grisly, videotaped beheading of American photojournalist James Foley and the Muslim perpetrators of that horrendous crime before hopping on his motorcade to tend to more important business, working on his golf game.

Well, he didn’t actually condemn adherents to the religion of peace but he defiantly did say, “One thing we can all agree on is a group like ISIL has no place in the 21st century.”

That alone, in his mind, would be more than sufficient to deter a threatened second beheading of an American should the U.S. continue bombing the barbaric, Islamic terrorists.

If not in name, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), al-Qaeda’s philosophical heirs, are virtually synonymous, especially in regard to their murderous jihadist practices and their quest for a worldwide caliphate based on Sharia law and the Koran. 

If successful, their movement would effectively turn back the world’s clock to the time of the Holy Prophet Muhammad’s seventh century. 

From an expedient political point of view, it’s eminently comprehensible why Obama would abbreviate his statement on James Foley’s brutal decapitation. 

As with the assassination of U.S. Major General Harold Greene in Afghanistan on August 5th, the first killing of an American general in a war zone in 141 years, to draw excessive attention to either tragedy would only vividly highlight yet other failures of his policies so our commander in chief chose to skip Greene’s funeral and minimize his comments on Foley’s murder. 

With regard to the latter, Obama had an even greater incentive to go golfing instead of elaborating on the moral degradation of Islam–his direct complicity in Foley’s kidnapping and torture two years ago as well as his involvement in Foley's brutal decapitation. . . (Read more at

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Phony Trayvon Martin Foundation

The Phony Trayvon Martin Foundation

Acording to its website, the Trayvon Martin Foundation is dedicated to creating “awareness of how violent crime impacts the families of the victims and to provide support and advocacy for those families in response to the murder of Trayvon Martin. . . . [and] to advocate that crime victims and their families are not ignored in the discussions about violent crime to increase public awareness of all forms of racial ethnic and gender profiling to educate youth on conflict resolution techniques and to reduce the incidences where confrontations between strangers turn deadly.”

An admirable “Mission Statement,” indeed!  Who could take issue with the goals of supporting victims’ families and educating young blacks who are killing one another nationwide in unprecedented numbers?

The chief problem with that dedication is that the TMF, founded in March 2012 by the late Trayvon’s parents, Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin as a not-for-profit organization, less than a month after their son was killed by George Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida, is that it is predicated on a fundamental falsehood since, in fact, his death was not a murder.

“Murder” is commonly defined as an unlawful, premeditated killing of a human being with malice aforethought.  The shooting death of Trayvon Martin doesn’t come close to satisfying that accepted meaning of the word and its use constitutes nothing more than an incendiary effort to arouse false sympathy and irrational anger in African-American circles, as well as to stoke funding for the foundation.

Despite a concerted effort on the parts of local and federal authorities, the mass media, and black racemongers to convict him, Zimmerman was acquitted over a year ago on the basis that he lawfully, without either premeditation or malice, shot and killed Martin as an act of self-defense during the course of carrying out his patrol duties as neighborhood watch coordinator at the gated Retreat at Twin Lakes, a community beset by a rash of burglaries and home invasions.

It was certainly the prerogative of Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin to establish a foundation in memory of their son, just as it was perfectly within his grieving mother’s rights to try to trademark virtually everything associated with Trayvon’s name, also only a month after his tragic death.

At the great risk of seeming grossly insensitive, . . . (Read more at

Monday, August 18, 2014

Ferguson and Michael Brown, Microcosms of MSM Hypocrisy

Ferguson and Michael Brown, Microcosms of MSM Hypocrisy

With notable exceptions, President Barack Hussein Obama’s mainstream media studiously, obediently, avoid mention of the race of wanted and suspected criminals even when identifying their race would greatly aid in their apprehension and possibly obviate repeat crimes.

The exceptions invariably include situations in which the criminality has become public knowledge through some source–and almost always when the suspect is white.

The practice of concealing the ethnicity of black suspects pre-dated the Obama administration and was defended by Chicago Tribune Editor Gerould Kern as an effort “to guard against subjecting an entire group of people [blacks] to suspicion” and to forestall racial unrest.

The MSM’s and Kern’s rationale has been repeatedly shown to be an abject failure as evidenced by the riots in Ferguson, Missouri, riots, looting, and burning in premature overreaction to the shooting death of Michael Brown by a Ferguson policeman. 

If anything, pretending violence among African-Americans isn’t rampant simply fuels more violence by other blacks who may think the media are on their side.

Obama’s media has truly outdone itself with this story, almost outdoing their misrepresentations and outright distortions two years ago involving the case of George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin when they plumbed new depths of journalistic and ethical irresponsibility.

As with Martin, much of the MSM quickly jumped to unfounded conclusions as to Officer Darren Wilson’s guilt as well as concealing details which conflicted with their politically correct political agenda aimed at portraying Brown as the innocent, black victim of endemic, racial prejudice and Wilson as his bigoted, white, merciless executioner.

—They have in effect tried and convicted the six-year police veteran Wilson of murder while depicting the new high school graduate Brown as just another unarmed black kid who was targeted only because of his race.  

---They have . . . (

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Extremism in the Defense of Liberty Is an Anachronism

Extremism in the Defense of Liberty Is an Anachronism


When Sen. Barry Goldwater, the 1964 GOP candidate for president, said in his acceptance speech at the 28th Republican Convention, “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue,” he was referring to whole other meanings of extremism, liberty, vice, and justice than what we are witnessing in America fifty years later.

Attacked as an extremist warmonger by the warmongering Lyndon Baines Johnson, Goldwater was trounced in that election thanks to over 60% of voters who bought into LBJ’s lies and the rest is the sad history of 211,454 dead and wounded American troops in the Vietnam War.

As opposed to today’s brand of extremism, Goldwater was addressing unyielding conservative positions opposing the welfare state and the permissiveness of American culture, extremist stands only as contrasted with liberal attitudes favoring rights and ignoring reponsibilities.

Goldwater had the audacity to offer “a choice” rather an “echo” of liberalism’s advocacies, a choice which was overwhelmingly rejected by the electorate.

Since his defeat, Ronald Reagan campaigned and easily beat Jimmy Carter in 1980 on much the same platform as Goldwater’s, thereby proving you’re not an extremist when you win.

However, since Reagan, liberal extremists have exerted a virtual stranglehold on much of America and they have promoted an unprecedented menu of welfarism, permissiveness, and social degradation that would probably make both Goldwater and Reagan cry were they still alive.

For example, the Television Critics Association summer tour in Hollywood, MTV featured a panel discussion with the cast and creators of a new series titled “Happyland” at which the star Bianca Santos described the MTV motto as, “Incest is hot, and  we’re going to have fun!”

Targeting teenagers, “Happyland” has been characterized as “MTV digging ever deeper for their precious ‘edge’ until they’ve dulled the shock of every  perversion.” 

It could also be characterized as contemporary extremism in action, an extremism aimed at undermining the very fabric of decency and morality using vulnerable teens to further its perverted goals.

On a more significant cultural front than television, education, the ultra-liberal University of Wisconsin-Madison has adopted an extremist policy predicated on the proposition that students should be graded not by their achievement but according to their race.

The school’s “Framework for Diversity and Inclusive Excellence” calls for “proportional participation of historically underrepresented racial-ethnic groups at all levels of an institution, including high-status special programs, high-demand majors, and in the distribution of grades.”

Dissenting UWM professor W. Lee Hansen took issue with that insanity . . . (Read more at

Friday, August 15, 2014

Trayvon Kicked to the Curb, Michael Takes Center Stage

Trayvon Kicked to the Curb, Michael Takes Center Stage

Remember Trayvon Martin?  Of course you do.

For those who don’t, Trayvon was the 17 year-old, unarmed Sanford, Florida black teenager who was shot and killed by white neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman in 2012 and then crowned the new poster boy for black racist agitators, supplanting their previous hero, Rodney King.

Zimmerman was subsequently exonerated by a jury of his peers on the grounds of self-defense.  His exoneration didn’t mean a tinker’s dam to the agitators who continued to campaign for his assassination and inflamed the nation into an orgy of demonstrations, looting, and student strikes–all in Martin’s honor.

In point of fact, Trayvon Martin may have been a chronological teenager but he was also a muscular, six-foot one thug and an avid strret fighter with a record of drug use and possession of burglar tools, although none of those negative character features were brought up either at Zimmerman’s trial or by Trayvon’s chief fan club, the New Black Panther Party.

Instead, he was lauded in the mainstream media as an innocent, young kid who had been senselessly murdered and was then virtually adopted posthumously by Barack Hussein Obama when the president said, “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.”

Now, fast forward to 2014 and Ferguson, Missouri’s 18 year-old Michael Brown.

The unarmed Brown was shot and killed last Saturday by a Ferguson police officer but few other details on the circumstances of the shooting had been made public, not even the cop’s name or race.  Until today when the officer’s name was released.  

In view of the numerous death threats made against him and the murderous reputation of the New Black Panther Party which agitated for that information, that move might be tantamount to complicity in murder.

The police also released today videotape evidence that Brown wasn’t exactly your average black kid in Ferguson, unless the average black kid in the St. Louis suburb engages in stealing cigars from a local convenience store and strong-arming a white clerk half his size.

That surveillance video puts the lie to claims that Brown was simply . . . Read more at 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Chaos, Anarchy, and Obama

Chaos, Anarchy, and Obama

Former United Nations ambassador John Bolton recently observed that because of our president’s leadership deficits,  “the world’s descending into chaos,” a chaos that could result in anarchy should America continue to retreat from its responsibilities.

Ambassador Bolton was referring to foreign affairs but his ominous warning could apply equally to the incipient, chaotic, domestic anarchy on America’s horizon attributable to the commander in chief.

My bride of 46 years believes that she would prefer not to live in interesting times, referring to the supposedly apocryphal, ancient Chinese curse which may be based on a Chinese saying that it’s “better to live as a dog in an era of peace than a man in times of trouble.” (Wikipedia)

Both interpretations amount to the same thing, namely that “interesting times” pretty much equates with the idea that even mongrels are better off living their lives in peace rather than human beings living amid conflict.

Apocryphal or not, the times Americans are currently living in and enduring are times that could certainly be characterized as “interesting” as well as unprecedented, a period in history during which most of us may not yet exactly be living like dogs, (which the Chinese eat, along with cats), but which can readily be categorized as troubling for anyone relatively conscious of the world we live in and liberal-leftists are easily the chief contributing factors to our disturbing, interesting times and our troubled minds.

When officials in the Obama administration and supposedly erudite pundits and other members of the intelligentsia pursue policies, make statements and allegations at variance with reason, should we blindly accept their obviously radical ideas and decisions? 

What if they are spewing opinions so far removed from the realm of truth, are we still expected to listen up and heed them?

I think not.  However, judge for yourself . . . (Read more at

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Ending Islam's Endless War on America

Ending Islam's Endless War on America 


Whatever Americans think and feel about the country and its people, few of us would argue that the Jewish state of Israel is not totally justified in retaliating against Hamas in Gaza. 

In “Brave New World,” Aldous Huxley wrote of that totalitarian world’s dictum that, “Ending is better than mending.”  Mending the rifts between Israel and Hamas, healing the enmity between Israel and its Islamic enemies is as beyond rational expectation as mending the senseless rift between America and Islam. 

Muslim leaders contend that 9/11, and the attacks which preceded it–the first bombing of the WTC in 1993, the bombings of our embassies and the USS Cole as well as all the subsequent threats–were perpetrated by Islamic extremists, jihadists not representative of the world’s 1.2 billion followers of Muhammad and the Koran.  Yet, no Islamic state has ever unequivocally denounced those extremists or taken forceful actions to rein them in. 

Like people, nations are known by the company they keep.

Try to imagine tens of thousands of deadly rockets raining down on American cities, everywhere from Oregon to Nebraska to Alabama to New York, and hundreds of millions of us hiding in bomb shelters in the hope we and our families could avoid being blown to bits.  That grisly scene is replicated daily on a smaller scale in Israel and its population of six million as contrasted with our 314,000,000 residents.

Now, try to visualize the United States of America, the last standing superpower on the planet, arguably the most powerful nation in the world and the home of the supposed leader of the Free World, patiently sitting, waiting, and dawdling, insanely anticipating the next crazed Islamic attack on our homeland as if we were nothing more than a banana republic awaiting another revolution.

We’ve deceived ourselves into thinking that we’ve done all that’s humanly possible to forestall another 9-11, or worse, even as we prepare for the worst.  Even liberal-leftists such as Sen. Diane Feinstein concede we are no safer now than we were thirteen years ago.

What’s absent from that terrifying picture is the reality that there is no need for Americans to hunker down and prep for catastrophe if only we would demand our country assert its unrivaled power and threaten to decimate not only known Islamic terrorists but every last remnant of their enclaves and, if and when the unthinkable happens, if we are attacked again, following through on our warning by returning Muslim lands to the seventh century, a time which many of them never left.

Is that solution brutal and merciless?  Yes, it is.  Is it potentially ruinous of America’s reputation in the world?  It could be.  Is it unprecedented?  In scope, perhaps.

However, consider a few salient realities. . . . (Read more at

Monday, August 11, 2014

The Tragic Travesty of Michael Brown's Death

The Tragic Travesty of Michael Brown's Death

Isn’t it funny, in the most pathetic sense, that a lone shooting in the little town of Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis, can stir up such an upheaval while hundreds of shootings in the metropolis of Chicago, Illinois elicit a great, big yawn?

An unidentified police officer apparently shot and killed 18-year old Michael Brown on Saturday.  According to  his buddy, Dorian Johnson, he and Brown were innocently strolling home after visiting a convenience store when the cop told them to get onto the sidewalk and off the street.

The pair ignored him and kept on walking which seemed to arouse the cop’s suspicions as to whether they might be up to no good. 

He dutifully confronted them and Johnson says the officer then fired at them as they were running away and, after the second shot, ”He shot again, and once my friend felt that shot, he turned around and put his hands in the air and he started to get down.  But the officer still approached with his weapon drawn and fired several more shots.”

Johnson adds, “We wasn’t causing harm to nobody. We had no weapons on us at all,” without clarifying whether they have caused any harm in the past or usually carried “weapons.”

In any event, the tragic incident, reminiscent of Trayvon Martin’s 2012 killing in Florida, resulted in huge demonstrations and a massive outpouring of grief over Brown’s death and a candlelight vigil in his honor, as well as an influx of racial agitators including Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of Justice. 

As typical in such cases, widespread looting and burning of Ferguson’s stores and businesses ensued,  undoubtedly also carried out in Brown’s honor. . . (Read more at

Saturday, August 9, 2014

America's P.C. Education Part One: Public Schools

America's P.C. Education Part One: Public Schools
The liberal-leftist farce called the Common Core State Standards Initiative, the misbegotten brainchild not of America’s states but of the federal government, has often been exposed here and by massive numbers of other objective observers as nothing more than an effort to seize control of American education by socialist zealots intent on both subverting American education and corrupting the minds and hearts of America’s students through political correctness.

The Common Core was doomed to failure from the outset and, no doubt, will soon become a distant, expensive memory, which is not to suggest it will not leave in its wake corrosive P.C. thinking in both public schools and on college and university levels of education.  (Part Two will deal with the latter.)

Granted, political correctness has long been ingrained in teachers’ and administrations’ philosophies but it has grown like invasive kudzu in recent years, often instigated by President Barack Hussein Obama’s lie that we now live in a race-neutral society.

The following represents a mere fraction of the rampant, violent, and unpunished black racism going on in America’s public school systems which go largely un-reported by our nation’s mainstream media.

For example:

—The new Rutherford B. Gaston Middle School in Fresno, California.  The school hired a white, male teacher, presumably because he was best qualified for the position of teaching African-American/Latino studies.  Unfair, claimed community and church leaders who demanded the Fresno Unified School District rescind the job offer and instead offer it to a black teacher, presumably regardless of that teacher’s qualifications.

A protest led by Rev. Karen Crozier who denounced Gaston’s original choice an atrocity, and thereby revealed the palpable black racism that today is perfectly acceptable or, at least, politically correct. 

In Fresno, the color of one’s skin obviously takes precedence over all other considerations.

—Hempstead, Texas middle school.  On a related front in America’s culture wars, Hempstead’s principal Amy Lacey was initially placed on administrative leave and subsequently fired for asking on the intercom that Hispanic students speak English in the school’s classrooms.

To no avail, Ms. Lacey’s attorney explained that his client imposed “no consequences for speaking Spanish in class” and that “Ms. Lacey stated her respect for the Hispanic culture and language.”  She defended herself by explaining, “I informed students it would be best to speak English in the classrooms to  the extent possible, in order to help prepare them for [state] tests . . . I did not ban the use of Spanish anywhere in the school or at any time.”

Tough nookies, Madame principal; you lost and P.C. won.

—Parkway Academy School, Dover, Delaware.  In April, a white teenage boy was mindlessly sucker-punched and kicked by a mob of black thugs . . . (Read more at

Friday, August 8, 2014

Hollywood and Virginity

Hollywood and Virginity

Hollywood and the entertainment world in general have never been known for moral advocacy or decency and stars of stage and screen have long been known for their private and public licentious behavior.  

And, they’re getting worse. 

From the silent film era of accused rapist-murderer Fatty Arbuckle through the sexual escapades of child predators Errol Flynn and Roman Polanski to the admittedly promiscuous Lindsay Lohan, entertainers have been widely, though not exclusively, considered synonymous with deviants and Tinsel Town with Sodom and Gomorrah.

Still, though movies have frequently pushed the propriety envelope, up until fairly recently, directors and actors were restrained from excesses by strict censors and balky audiences and sexual scenes and themes were usually muted in order to appeal to more moviegoers and to avoid an NC-17 MPAA rating.  As for the vast wasteland of television, such scenes and themes, as well as outrageously foul language, were avoided as assiduously as intelligent programming.

Today, however, both Hollywood and its television partners are so deeply immersed in explicit and implicit eroticism that Muslim condemnation of the American and Western value system is becoming increasingly explicable.

Indeed, conservatives Brent Bozell and Tim Graham aptly contend that the state of virginity, in many ways the antithesis of eroticism, has become not only passé but a virtually repugnant condition.

As they write, ”Today, virginity isn’t a virtue, but a burden. Chastity is a freak show and anyone who chooses to keep it is a carnival barker. In today’s entertainment world, weirdos–especially sexual weirdos–drive a juicy plot, so virgins are in vogue, as a target or merely as an anthropological curiosity.” . . . (Read more at  

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

NBC News Skews Its Own Poll

NBC News Skews Its Own Poll

In the jaded tradition of the New York Times’ unstated motto of printing all the news it sees fit to print and trashing all the rest, NBC News spinmeisters managed to distort the results of a poll it conducted in conjunction with the Wall Street Journal.

While headlining the outcome, “America’s Fed Up: Obama Approval Rating Hits All-Time Low, Poll Shows” and citing such results as, “Six in 10 Americans are dissatisfied with the state of the U.S. economy, more than 70 percent believe the country is headed in the wrongc direction” with “President Barack Obama’s overall approval rating hitting a new low at 40 percent, and a mere 14 percent of the public giving Congress a thumbs up,” NBC went on to downplay its own headline.

Instead, the network focused on the “lingering” consequences of the Great Recession rather than on the causes of that lingering, Obama and his failed economic policies, and on what type of posters people would carry.

The telephone survey of a thousand registered adults was conducted by Democratic pollster Peter Hart and Republican pollster Bill McInturff over the course of five days (July 30-August 3, margin of error 3.1%) yet the report by Mark Murray ignored their most salient findings.

In a transparent effort to deflect as much of the blame as possible for American discontent from Obama, Murray emphasizes the disaffection with Republicans and Congress, (“But if the president’s numbers are bad, Congress’ are even worse”). . . (Read more at

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Israel or Hamas? Pick Just One!

Israel or Hamas?  Pick Just One!

Picking sides in the latest Israeli-Islamic conflict in Gaza should not be a difficult choice for Americans. 

Or is it?

On the one hand, we have Hamas, the “Islamic Resistance Movement”, a Sunni Islamic group which has governed the Gaza Strip for eight years and has been designated a terrorist organization by Israel, the U.S., the E. U., Japan, and by a few Mideastern nations although Iran, Russia, Turkey, China, and most Arab countries strongly differ on that designation.

On the other hand, there’s beleagured Israel, a nation manufactured by the victorious allies following World War Two and which has been embroiled in bloody conflicts with its Arab neighbors ever since.  With the help of America, Israel repeatedly defeated its Muslim enemies and accomplished what can only be called a miracle in the desert over the course of its brief existence.

So, who to pick today as the Arabs and the Israelis go at it once again? 


—Hamas is vastly outgunned and outnumbered by Israel; but the Hamas terrorists are well financed and otherwise supported by millions of fellow Arabs who want Israel obliterated from the face of the Earth.

—Hamas has been hurling thousands of rockets at Israel for weeks though inflicting minimal damage and few casualties; the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) retaliated by reducing huge sections of Gaza to rubble and killing over a thousand residents, many of them children. . . . (Read more at

Monday, August 4, 2014

Flashmob Joy in Belgium

Flashmob Joy in Belgium

Got four minutes to temporarily forget your troubles and the many troubles of a world beset with hostility?

Recently at the busy Central Antwerp, Belgium train station, a flashmob appeared out of nowhere, as flashmobs are wont to do, and brought all other activity to a stop.

No, this was not one of those flashmobs too often seen in America where teenagers stage surprise, public demonstrations as a cover for their criminal behavior.  Rather, it was one used for no other reason than to bring four minutes of sheer joy to harried commuters on their way to work with a beautifully-choreographed rendition in song and dance of Julie Andrews’ uplifting “Do Re Mi” from “Sound of Music”.

The hundreds of enthusiastic performers, mostly young people with a few adults sprinkled in, clearly had as much fun as their rapt audience.

Of course, where there is joy, there usually are grumps who feel a need to voice their grumpiness to spread their grump by puncturing joy balloons.  

After the video of the Belgian joy-fest went viral, one Scrooge, Ronald Book, was compelled to bitch about “People taking up public space to sing and dance while others are trying to go somewhere . . . Who do these people think they are?” . . . (Read more and see the video at

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Boobs and Babies, Guns and Death

Boobs and Babies, Guns and Death

I’ve long suspected that those adamantly opposed to the constitutionally-guaranteed right of Americans under the Second Amendment to keep and bear arms for both the protection of themselves and their families and for protection from and resistance against a tyranical government were foolish and ignorant.

In a word, I felt they were boobs.

That feeling was reinforced at a recent demonstration for gun control during which a fanatical opponent of that fundamental right displayed her breasts poorly masked by a placard declaring, “Boobs feed babies and bring joy and comfort.  Guns only bring death.  More boobs, less guns.”

Well, that’s not exactly true although the unidentified fanatic did accomplish one thing: She proved her cup size far exceeded her intelligence quotient.

Aside from her grammatical faux pas, (the correct usage would be “fewer”, not “less” guns), Ms. Boobie also clearly demonstrated her obliviousness of reality with regard to how, when, and why guns are used in America and how many lives they have saved.

As frequently documented here, guns are not only legally used by millions of Americans for hunting and then consuming the products of their hunts but they have been used far more often to save and protect lives than for criminal purposes.

Though it’s incontrovertible that firearms are often indiscriminately used to commit crimes and kill, Ms. B.’s exhibitionism and placard fail to factor in the reality that those crimes and killings are largely confined to ghetto areas and, when they occur outside those areas, are mostly committed by residents of those ghettos engaged in murderous rampages outside their communities.

However, the MSM prefers to focus on gun atrocities which are anomalies rather than the norm.  When mentally disturbed people such as Adam Lanza slaughter school children and other innocents, the mainstreamers invariably ramp up their gun control campaign as if guns and not the mentally disturbed and criminal miscreants are the problem. 

Obsessed with the idea that guns are evil, . . . (Read more at

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Ebola, Obama's Latest Gift to America

Ebola, Obama's Latest Gift to America

As if exposing Americans to millions of illegal aliens carrying and transmitting everything from tuberculosis to polio to any number of other contagious diseases didn’t sufficiently demonstrate Barack Hussein Obama’s contempt for the health, safety and well being of our country, his administration has now introduced the deadly Ebola virus to our shores.

The symptoms of the Ebola virus disease (EVD), aka Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF), include high fevers, throat and muscle pains, severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, decreased liver and kidney functioning, possible bleeding issues, and a mortality rate ranging from 50% to 90%.

Despite the unfortunate fact that there is no vaccine or cure for the dreaded disease and even though the World Health Organization said Friday that it was spreading wildly in Africa, the Obama-Kerry State Department authorized the transfer from Liberia to Atlanta’s Emory University Hospital of two American missionaries, Dr. Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol, who have been diagnosed with Ebola.

Ebola victim Dr. Brantly arrived in Georgia on Saturday and Writebol will follow shortly.

Emory is more than ready for its infected patients and the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reassuringly said last week that, ”Ebola poses little risk to the U.S. general population.”

Of course, since the CDC’s reassurance came before State’s magnanimous, humanitarian gesture on America’s behalf and since Ebola has an incubation period of up to three weeks prior to the appearance of symptons, the contention by CDC spokesperson Stephan Monroe that, “No Ebola cases have been reported in the United States” is totally irrelevant.

For their part, the good people at Emory University Hospital employed a Gulfstream jet paid for by the generous Samaritan’s Purse charity and equipped with a collapsible tent designed to prevent the escape of infectious germs and have prepared an isolation unit for patients exposed to certain serious communicable diseases. 

The area is separate from the main hospital facility and Emory officials assured the public on Friday that there is zero risk that Ebola could contaminate anyone outside their secure unit.

What could possibly go wrong?  After all, the Obama administration, the same people who created the abomination of Obamacare and the chaos on our southern border, is overseeing everything!

More to the point, what was the necessity of our government needlessly introducing an incurable disease like Ebola into continental America when the patients could be treated, not as easily yet feasibly, in a safer location far from our cities? . . . (Read more at