For obvious reasons, President Barack Hussein Obama’s mainstream media and their cohorts in the entertainment world still refuse to concede that there is an ongoing war conducted by blacks in America against anyone not black despite mounting evidence to the contrary.
Motivated by their blind loyalty to the man they enthusiastically supported for over six years as the savior of our country and the planet, they can’t now admit the president is largely responsible for that war thanks to his racist policies so they simply deny the existence of the conflict.

For example, the MSM have dutifully ignored or downplayed the “knockout game” in which young black men–who could very well resemble the president’s sons–cold cock innocent, unsuspecting white people to prove their self-conceived superiority by cowardly flattening them and often videotaping their assaults as verification of their masculinity.

As he scoffed on “The Daily Show,” Comedy Central’s liberal-leftist “newscaster” Jon Stewart firmly believes the rarely-reported yet widespread incidents of the “knockout game” are wildly exaggerated and Stewart certainly doesn’t favor more severe legal penalties for such assaults because, well, because they occur so rarely.

Not that it would bother them or convince how gravely wrong the mainstreamers and people like Stewart have been, but eighty-six year old, Carroll Jordan might beg to differ–if he were able about America’s epidemic of black violence. 

The Korean War veteran was not a “knockout game” victim but rather the. . . (Read more at